What is an Investment Policy Statement?

Do you have a strategy to help protect your investments?
Building a strategic investment plan to navigate the rail to your financial future can be complex, and comes with many twists and turns. This is why we begin with you. We start by understanding where you are, what your goals are, and then help you develop the strategy to get you there.
We are independent investment fiduciaries. We only have your best interests in mind.
Tactical Investments
Tactically managed portfolios are designed to help investors avoid large drops and enable them to participate when markets are trending higher. By employing this type of strategy, clients are able to successfully reduce portfolio risks, without being forced to use traditional bond/equity combinations. Therefore, in times when equity markets are expanding, there are greater allocations to equities when the markets are in great danger of large losses, the portfolio automatically reduces risk.
Strategic Investments
Strategic portfolios use fundamental analytics to properly allocate based upon Modern Portfolio Theory and macroeconomic data. The combination influences slight allocation shifts to optimize the risk/return expectation of the portfolio. Quarterly re-balances are performed to keep the portfolio from drifting away from the portfolio objectives.